VAWP – 2022 Annual Fall Meeting Event Registration

VAWP members and friends,

We are very excited to announce open registration for the 2022 Annual Fall Meeting scheduled for Friday, November 4th, 2022 at the Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens in Richmond, Virginia! We have a great lineup this year including guest speakers from AquaLaw, CNU, NOAA, DEQ, and COE, and we are ending the meeting with a Q&A panel session. Please see the attached tentative schedule for more details. 

Other exciting news – this year we are moving to digital registration/sponsorship forms! 

REGISTRATION – Register for the VAWP Meeting.

SPONSORSHIP – Please consider becoming a corporate sponsor for the 2022 VAWP Annual Fall Meeting by completing the form at the following link: VAWP SPONSORSHIP FORM.

Sponsorships help supports VAWP’s many missions including providing quality programming and supporting student research, so please considering being a sponsor this year! Other great benefits of sponsorship are detailed below.

The meeting agenda is provided below:

Hope to see you all there!