Spring Webinar Series: USACE Regulatory Update, Tom Walker and the 2020 Annual Business Meeting

Hello VAWP Members and Other Interested Parties!

Please join the Virginia Association of Wetland Professionals (VAWP) for our final FREE webinar this Wednesday, March 31, 2021 from 12-1:30pm

https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4374526171857936398 <-WEBINAR REGISTRATION LINK

Tom Walker, United States Army Corps of Engineers Norfolk District Regulatory Branch Chief will present:

2021 USACE Regulatory Update

The purpose of this presentation is to provide an update on some recent changes to Norfolk District’s regulatory program. Specifically, we will focus on the 2021 Nationwide Permit Reissuance and the associated Regional Conditions including Section 401 Water Quality Certification and Federal Consistency under the Coastal Zone Management Act.   

Tom Walker is the Chief of the Regulatory Branch Chief in the Norfolk District. Prior to moving to Norfolk, Tom was with the Wilmington District Regulatory Division where he served as Chief of the Wilmington Regulatory Field Office located on the southeast coast of North Carolina, Chief of the Asheville Regulatory Field Office, in the mountains of North Carolina and a project manager in the Washington Regulatory Field Office in the northeastern part of the state. Having spent time in both the mountains and the coastal plain has afforded Tom experience delineating and assessing a wide range of wetland and tributary types. He has also worked extensively in the preparation of Environmental Impact Statements, Records of Decision and conditional permit approvals for large scale projects including beach nourishment, water supply, and mining. He received BA in Biology and a MS in Biology with a concentration in coastal and estuarine ecology from East Carolina University.

Following the regulatory update, Laura Rader-Dixon, outgoing VAWP president and, Catey Lavagnino, incoming VAWP president will lead:

The 2020 Annual Business Meeting

The 2020 Annual Business Meeting will include a brief address from the outgoing President, Laura Rader-Dixon and incoming President, Catey Lavagnino.  VAWP Education Chair Eli Wright will announce the winner of the 2021 Student Research Scholarship, an award of $500 given to an outstanding student pursuing research focused on wetland science, natural resource, or related environmental science fields. We will then close voting and announce the results of the 2020 VAWP Executive Officer Elections. The Annual Business Meeting will conclude with a brief report given by each committee chair to provide an update on the organizations status.

This webinar will be hosted by Wetland Studies and Solutions, Inc. using GoToWebinar. Thank you, WSSI!

To join the webinar, please follow the link above or below to register for the event:

https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4374526171857936398   ß WEBINAR REGISTRATION LINK


You will automatically receive an email with a unique link once you register.  Attendees can register and join late if they forget to register in advance.