Spring Webinar Series: The Antecedent Precipitation Tool (APT)

Hello VAWP Members and Other Interested Parties!

Please join the Virginia Association of Wetland Professionals (VAWP) for another FREE webinar this Wednesday, March 24, 2021 from 12-1pm

WEBINAR LINK: https://timmons.zoom.us/j/94482389759    

Eli Wright, Timmons Group Senior Environmental Scientist, and Dr. Herman W. Hudson III (Wes), United States Army Corps of Engineers Environmental Specialist, will present on:

The Antecedent Precipitation Tool (APT)

The Antecedent Precipitation Tool (APT) is an automation tool that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) developed following implementation of the Navigable Water Protection Rule (NWPR) in 2020. The ATP is used to facilitate the comparison of antecedent or recent rainfall conditions for a given location to the range of normal rainfall conditions that occurred during the preceding 30 years. In addition to providing a standardized methodology to evaluate normal precipitation conditions, the APT can also be used to assess the presence of drought conditions, as well as the approximate dates of the wet and dry seasons for a given location. Join us in a review and discussion of the APT with Dr. Wes Hudson (USACE Norfolk District) and Eli Wright (Timmons Group).

A bit about the speakers:

Eli completed a Master of Science degree in Environmental Science from Christopher Newport University in 2015, where his thesis research focused on the success of planted vegetation within Virginia created wetland mitigation sites. Since that time, Eli has pursued a career as an environmental consultant focusing on Clean Water Act and State Surface Water regulatory compliance. He has served as a project lead throughout Virginia in various projects including wetland delineations, stream assessments, and Section 404/401 permitting. Eli is both a Virginia certified Professional Wetland Delineator, a Society of Wetland Scientists Professional Wetland Scientist, and serves as the VAWP Education Committee Chair.

Wes completed a BS (Ornamental Horticulture) and MS (Environmental Science) from Christopher Newport University and completed his Doctorate at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science (College of William & Mary). His research focused on forested wetland restoration and creation with a particular interest in tree survival and growth and implications for compensatory mitigation performance standards. Wes joined the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Norfolk Regulatory Branch in 2017 where he continues to review proposed activities under the Clean Water Act and the Rivers and Harbors Act as well as perform complex Jurisdictional Determinations.

This webinar will be hosted by Timmons Group using Zoom. Thank you, Timmons Group!

To join the webinar, please follow the link above or below at the time of the scheduled event:

March 24th VAWP Webinar Access Link – The Antecedent Precipitation Tool (APT)   ß WEBINAR LINK

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Please feel free to pass this along to other interested parties and we hope you all can make it!