Spring Webinar Series Recording: Emerging Wetland Research

Dear VAWP members and other interested parties:

Due to popular demand, we are making recordings of our Spring 2021 webinar series accessible online to those who are unable to attend the live events. The third of our Spring 2021 webinar series, entitled “Emerging Wetland Research” is provided below.

Mitchell Doyle, Christopher Newport University graduate student under Dr. Robert Atkinson presented:

Salt or inundation? How sea level rise is stressing Atlantic White Cedar trees and forming ghost forests in the Mid-Atlantic region.


Dr. Doug DeBerry, Research Assistant Professor of Environmental Science and Policy at William & Mary and Senior Scientist at VHB presented:

Invasive Species and Compensatory Mitigation: Environmental Drivers, Performance Standards, and Best Practices

This webinar was hosted by VHB using Zoom. Thank you, VHB!