Executive Officer Nominations

Good morning!  The Virginia Association of Wetland Professionals (VAWP) is seeking nominees for Executive Officers for the 2024 calendar year. The Executive Officers of VAWP include the President, Vice-President, Executive Secretary, Treasurer, and the Immediate Past President.  Two of these positions include a three-year commitment. The Vice President automatically assumes the Office of President following […]

2023 VAWP Fall Meeting Registration & Sponsorship

VAWP members and friends, Please join us for the VAWP Annual Fall Meeting scheduled for Friday, November 17th, 2023, at the Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens in Richmond, Virginia! We have a great lineup scheduled including guest speakers from AquaLaw, RES, the Virgina Department of Environmental Quality, the United States Army Corps of Engineers, Christopher Newport University, […]

Cherry Orchard Bog Field Trip

Cherry Orchard Bog Field Trip

We had a small, but enthusiastic, group join us for our bog walk on Saturday, September 16th! The weather was absolutely gorgeous. Take a look at our finds! We found Cuthbert’s turtlehead (Chelone cuthbertii) very quickly! They are indeed common along the edges of the seeps expressing from the hillsides. It’s incredible how a species […]