Annual Fall Meeting, Nov. 3, 2021: REGISTRATION UPDATE

VAWP members and friends,

We are excited to have had a lot of interest in the Fall 2021 meeting!  However, a strong response means we are quickly approaching our registration limit.  An attendance cap has been put in place this year to ensure we can host a safe in-person event. Given the overwhelming registrations received to-date, this means we may not be able to host everyone who would wish to attend. If you (or your company representative) have already submitted your Registration/Sponsor Form, your attendance spot has already been secured.

Starting this afternoon, we will be instituting a waitlist for new attendance registrations received.  To be added to the waitlist, please submit a completed registration form to VAWP Programs Committee Chair Ben Sagara ( ).  If a spot becomes available, you will be notified next week and directed to submit the appropriate registration payment.  Waitlist priorities will be given to current VAWP members and/or individuals from underrepresented organizations.

Thank you for your support and understanding as we make this transition back to in-person meetings.