2023 VAWP Fall Meeting Registration & Sponsorship

VAWP members and friends,

Please join us for the VAWP Annual Fall Meeting scheduled for Friday, November 17th, 2023, at the Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens in Richmond, Virginia! We have a great lineup scheduled including guest speakers from AquaLaw, RES, the Virgina Department of Environmental Quality, the United States Army Corps of Engineers, Christopher Newport University, and the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources. We will also hold our Annual Business Meeting and finalize Elections around lunchtime. The meeting will start at 9am and is scheduled to conclude by 3:30pm (detailed schedule to follow). Register or become a Meeting Sponsor using the links provided below! 

2023 VAWP Fall Meeting Registration: Register for the 2023 VAWP Fall Meeting Here!

( https://forms.gle/Nz47GaDRwc7mJeqP7 )

VAWP Member Registration Fee – $75

Nonmember Registration Fee – $95

Student Registration Fee – $35


Become a Meeting Sponsor!

Please consider becoming a corporate sponsor for the 2023 VAWP Annual Fall Meeting! Sponsorships help supports VAWP’s many missions including providing quality programming and supporting student research, so please considering being a sponsor this year! Other great benefits of sponsorship are detailed below.

2023 VAWP Fall Meeting Sponsorship: 2023 VAWP Fall Meeting Sponsorship Form

( https://forms.gle/pVC8e4BMUdwjJgaJ6 )